Feeling “unbalanced”, burned out, unmotivated, and close to quitting? Stop. Take a breath. Now ask yourself how much time you spend per day focusing on tasks that don’t move you toward your goals. Few times do we catch ourselves and recognize how our actions have first-order, second-order and even third-order consequences.
An example would be purchasing a TV:
1) A TV needs requires you to find a place for it.
2) It also requires a Netflix, cable, Disney, et al subscription to view content.
3) Lastly, watching TV costs us time which we would otherwise might spend with our family, friends or personal hobbies.
In relation to a business, how many credit/debit cards do we have tied to the business? Payment processors? Bank vendors? The more we have of these in our business, the more “branches” of complexity we add to our lives and business. More complexity requires more time spent to make sure they’re accurate and performing correctly. Yet many of them only make it more expensive on the accounting side and contribute little to growing your business. Streamline everything from the top down and we believe you’ll find yourself feeling like you once did when you first started: invigorated, motivated, and happy with all the freed up time in your life.